#6 Pass item through without going through the bloom filter

arkiver atvēra pirms 1 gada · 1 komentāri
arkiver komentēja pirms 1 gada

Certain items are guaranteed (or with a very high likelihood) to be unique. It is a waste of space in the bloom filter to take these through the filter and with that add them to the filter.

These items should not be taken through the filter, but directly queued to the project.

Certain items are guaranteed (or with a very high likelihood) to be unique. It is a waste of space in the bloom filter to take these through the filter and with that add them to the filter. These items should not be taken through the filter, but directly queued to the project.
arkiver pievienoja etiķeti
pirms 1 gada
arkiver komentēja pirms 8 mēnešiem

Implemented with 0f206f00f1 and several later fixes.

Implemented with https://gitea.arpa.li/ArchiveTeam/backfeed/commit/0f206f00f11009ec250846eabbfb624800dac57d and several later fixes.
arkiver slēdza šo problēmu pirms 8 mēnešiem
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