From 5090a8ad028f4698b3aa7917f2760e6eb2326a19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: JustAnotherArchivist Date: Sun, 5 May 2019 21:32:55 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Enumerate users on a Mastodon instance --- mastodon-enumerate-users | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+) create mode 100755 mastodon-enumerate-users diff --git a/mastodon-enumerate-users b/mastodon-enumerate-users new file mode 100755 index 0000000..839004f --- /dev/null +++ b/mastodon-enumerate-users @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +import datetime +import http.client +import itertools +import json +import sys +import time + +domain = sys.argv[1] +apiUrlBase = 'https://{}/api/v1/accounts/'.format(domain) +connection = http.client.HTTPSConnection(domain) +try: + consecutive404s = 0 + for i in itertools.count(start = 1): + connection.request('GET', '/api/v1/accounts/{}'.format(i)) + response = connection.getresponse() + data = + if response.status == 200: + j = json.loads(data) + print(i, j['url']) + if response.status == 404: + consecutive404s += 1 + else: + consecutive404s = 0 + # If we got enough consecutive 404s, we likely reached the end of the list. + # For large instances, this happens when the last 1 % of scanned IDs don't exist. + # For small instances, at least 100 IDs need to fail. + # 458.211 is the solution to 0.01 * i + 100 / i ** (1 / x) = i with i = 100 (analytical form from Wolfram|Alpha: 2*ln(10)/(2*ln(2)-2*ln(3)+2*ln(5)-ln(11))) + consecutive404threshold = 0.01 * i + 100 / i ** (1 / 458.211) + print(f'{ %H:%M:%S} Account {i}: {response.status} {response.reason} [404s: {consecutive404s}/{consecutive404threshold:.2f}]', file = sys.stderr) + if consecutive404s >= consecutive404threshold: + break + if int(response.getheader('X-RateLimit-Remaining')) < 10: + time.sleep(60) #TODO sleep until X-RateLimit-Reset +finally: + connection.close()