Переглянути джерело

Truncate URLs by default to fit the terminal width

JustAnotherArchivist 4 роки тому
1 змінених файлів з 37 додано та 3 видалено
  1. +37

+ 37
- 3
archivebot-jobs Переглянути файл

@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import datetime
import itertools
import json
import math
import os
import re
import sys
import time
@@ -11,7 +13,7 @@ import urllib.request
# Column definitions
columns = {
'jobid': (lambda job, pipelines: job["job_data"]["ident"], ()),
'url': (lambda job, pipelines: job["job_data"]["url"], ()),
'url': (lambda job, pipelines: job["job_data"]["url"], ('truncatable',)),
'user': (lambda job, pipelines: job["job_data"]["started_by"], ()),
'pipenick': (lambda job, pipelines: pipelines[job["job_data"]["pipeline_id"]] if job["job_data"]["pipeline_id"] in pipelines else "unknown", ()),
'queued': (lambda job, pipelines: job["job_data"]["queued_at"], ('date',)),
@@ -27,6 +29,11 @@ columns = {
defaultSort = 'jobid'

# Validate
if any('truncatable' in colDef[1] and any(x in colDef[1] for x in ('date', 'coloured', 'size')) for colDef in columns.values()):
# Truncation code can't handle renderers
raise RuntimeError('Invalid column definitions: cannot combine date/coloured/size with truncatable')

# Parse arguments
class FilterAction(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, optionString = None):
@@ -78,6 +85,7 @@ parser.add_argument('--mode', choices = ('table', 'dashboard-regex', 'con-d-comm
parser.add_argument('--no-colours', '--no-colors', action = 'store_true', help = "Don't colourise the last activity column if it's been a while. (Table mode only)")
parser.add_argument('--no-table', action = 'store_true', help = 'Raw output without feeding through column(1); columns are separated by tabs. (Table mode only)')
parser.add_argument('--no-truncate', action = 'store_true', help = 'Disable truncating long values if the terminal width would be exceeded. (Table mode without --no-table only)')
parser.add_argument('--dates', action = 'store_true', help = 'Print dates instead of elapsed times for queued/started/last active columns. (Table mode only)')
parser.add_argument('--format', help = 'Output format for the format mode; this must be a Python format string and can use any column name in lower-case with spaces replaced by underscores; e.g. "{url} {last_active}". (Format mode only)')
args = parser.parse_args()
@@ -198,12 +206,38 @@ for column, (_, columnAttr) in columns.items():
elif isinstance(jobs[0][column], (int, float)):
renderers[column] = str

for job in jobs:
for column in renderers:
job[column] = renderers[column](job[column])

# Truncate if applicable
printableColumns = {column: colDef for column, colDef in columns.items() if 'hidden' not in colDef[1]}
if not args.no_table and not args.no_truncate:
widthsD = {column: max(itertools.chain((len(column),), (len(job[column]) if isinstance(job[column], str) else len(job[column][1]) for job in jobs))) for column in printableColumns}
minWidthsD = {column: len(column) for column in printableColumns}
termWidth = os.get_terminal_size().columns
overage = sum(x + 2 for x in widthsD.values()) - 2 - termWidth
if overage > 0:
if sum((widthsD[column] if 'truncatable' not in colDef[1] else minWidthsD[column]) + 2 for column, colDef in printableColumns.items()) - 2 > termWidth:
# Even truncating all truncatable columns to the minimum width is not sufficient, i.e. can't match this terminal width. Print a warning and proceed normally
print('Sorry, cannot truncate columns to terminal width', file = sys.stderr)
# Distribute overage to truncatable columns proportionally to each column's length over the minimum
truncatableColumns = {column: colDef for column, colDef in columns.items() if 'truncatable' in colDef[1]}
totalOverMin = sum(widthsD[column] - minWidthsD[column] for column in truncatableColumns)
trWidthsD = {column: math.floor(widthsD[column] - (widthsD[column] - minWidthsD[column]) / totalOverMin * overage) for column in truncatableColumns}
if sum(widthsD[column] - trWidthsD[column] for column in truncatableColumns) - overage == 1:
# Truncated one more character than necessary due to the flooring; add it again to the shortest column
trWidthsD[min(trWidthsD, key = trWidthsD.get)] += 1
for job in jobs:
for column in truncatableColumns:
if len(job[column]) > trWidthsD[column]:
job[column] = job[column][:trWidthsD[column] - 1] + '…'

# Print
output = []
output.append(tuple(column.upper() for column in columns if "hidden" not in columns[column][1]))
for job in jobs:
for column in renderers:
job[column] = renderers[column](job[column])
output.append(tuple(job[column] for column in columns if "hidden" not in columns[column][1]))

if not args.no_table:
