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Nit: replace double quotes with single quotes

JustAnotherArchivist 3 years ago
1 changed files with 41 additions and 41 deletions
  1. +41

+ 41
- 41
archivebot-jobs View File

@@ -12,21 +12,21 @@ import urllib.request

# Column definitions
columns = {
'jobid': (lambda job, pipelines: job["job_data"]["ident"], ()),
'url': (lambda job, pipelines: job["job_data"]["url"], ('truncatable',)),
'user': (lambda job, pipelines: job["job_data"]["started_by"], ()),
'pipenick': (lambda job, pipelines: pipelines[job["job_data"]["pipeline_id"]] if job["job_data"]["pipeline_id"] in pipelines else "unknown", ()),
'queued': (lambda job, pipelines: job["job_data"]["queued_at"], ('date', 'numeric')),
'started': (lambda job, pipelines: job["job_data"]["started_at"], ('date', 'numeric')),
'last active': (lambda job, pipelines: int(job["ts"]), ('date', 'coloured', 'numeric')),
'dl urls': (lambda job, pipelines: job["job_data"]["items_downloaded"], ('numeric',)),
'dl size': (lambda job, pipelines: job["job_data"]["bytes_downloaded"], ('size', 'numeric')),
'queue': (lambda job, pipelines: job["job_data"]["items_queued"] - job["job_data"]["items_downloaded"], ('numeric',)),
'eta': (lambda job, pipelines: int((curTime := time.time()) + (job["job_data"]["items_queued"] - job["job_data"]["items_downloaded"]) / (job["job_data"]["items_downloaded"] / (curTime - job["job_data"]["started_at"]))) if job["job_data"]["items_downloaded"] > 0 else 0, ('date', 'numeric')),
'con': (lambda job, pipelines: job["job_data"]["concurrency"], ('numeric',)),
'delay min': (lambda job, pipelines: int(job["job_data"]["delay_min"]), ('hidden', 'numeric')),
'delay max': (lambda job, pipelines: int(job["job_data"]["delay_max"]), ('hidden', 'numeric')),
'delay': (lambda job, pipelines: str(int(job["job_data"]["delay_min"])) + '-' + str(int(job["job_data"]["delay_max"])) if job["job_data"]["delay_min"] != job["job_data"]["delay_max"] else str(int(job["job_data"]["delay_min"])), ()),
'jobid': (lambda job, pipelines: job['job_data']['ident'], ()),
'url': (lambda job, pipelines: job['job_data']['url'], ('truncatable',)),
'user': (lambda job, pipelines: job['job_data']['started_by'], ()),
'pipenick': (lambda job, pipelines: pipelines[job['job_data']['pipeline_id']] if job['job_data']['pipeline_id'] in pipelines else 'unknown', ()),
'queued': (lambda job, pipelines: job['job_data']['queued_at'], ('date', 'numeric')),
'started': (lambda job, pipelines: job['job_data']['started_at'], ('date', 'numeric')),
'last active': (lambda job, pipelines: int(job['ts']), ('date', 'coloured', 'numeric')),
'dl urls': (lambda job, pipelines: job['job_data']['items_downloaded'], ('numeric',)),
'dl size': (lambda job, pipelines: job['job_data']['bytes_downloaded'], ('size', 'numeric')),
'queue': (lambda job, pipelines: job['job_data']['items_queued'] - job['job_data']['items_downloaded'], ('numeric',)),
'eta': (lambda job, pipelines: int((curTime := time.time()) + (job['job_data']['items_queued'] - job['job_data']['items_downloaded']) / (job['job_data']['items_downloaded'] / (curTime - job['job_data']['started_at']))) if job['job_data']['items_downloaded'] > 0 else 0, ('date', 'numeric')),
'con': (lambda job, pipelines: job['job_data']['concurrency'], ('numeric',)),
'delay min': (lambda job, pipelines: int(job['job_data']['delay_min']), ('hidden', 'numeric')),
'delay max': (lambda job, pipelines: int(job['job_data']['delay_max']), ('hidden', 'numeric')),
'delay': (lambda job, pipelines: str(int(job['job_data']['delay_min'])) + '-' + str(int(job['job_data']['delay_max'])) if job['job_data']['delay_min'] != job['job_data']['delay_max'] else str(int(job['job_data']['delay_min'])), ()),
defaultSort = 'jobid'

@@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ if any('truncatable' in colDef[1] and any(x in colDef[1] for x in ('date', 'colo
# Filter function
def make_field_filter(column, op, value, caseSensitive = True):
compFunc = {
"=": lambda a, b: a == b,
"<": lambda a, b: a < b,
">": lambda a, b: a > b,
"^": lambda a, b: a.startswith(b),
"*": lambda a, b: b in a,
"$": lambda a, b: a.endswith(b),
"~": lambda a, b:, a) is not None,
'=': lambda a, b: a == b,
'<': lambda a, b: a < b,
'>': lambda a, b: a > b,
'^': lambda a, b: a.startswith(b),
'*': lambda a, b: b in a,
'$': lambda a, b: a.endswith(b),
'~': lambda a, b:, a) is not None,
transform = {
True: (lambda x: x),
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ class FilterAction(argparse.Action):
setattr(namespace, self.dest, lambda job: eval(func, {}, {'job': job}))
global columns
match = re.match(r"^(?P<column>[A-Za-z ]+)(?P<op>[=<>^*$~])(?P<value>.*)$", values[0])
match = re.match(r'^(?P<column>[A-Za-z ]+)(?P<op>[=<>^*$~])(?P<value>.*)$', values[0])
if not match:
parser.error('Invalid filter')
filterDict = match.groupdict()
filterDict["column"] = filterDict["column"].lower()
assert filterDict["column"] in columns
filterDict['column'] = filterDict['column'].lower()
assert filterDict['column'] in columns
if 'numeric' in columns[filterDict['column']][1]:
filterDict['value'] = float(filterDict['value'])
if 'date' in columns[filterDict['column']][1] and filterDict['value'] < 0:
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ pipelinedata = fetch('')
currentTime = time.time()

# Process
pipelines = {p["id"]: p["nickname"] for p in pipelinedata["pipelines"]}
pipelines = {p['id']: p['nickname'] for p in pipelinedata['pipelines']}

jobs = []
for job in jobdata:
@@ -210,26 +210,26 @@ elif args.mode == 'atdash':
def render_date(ts, coloured = False):
global args, currentTime
diff = currentTime - ts
colourStr = f"\x1b[{0 if diff < 6 * 3600 else 7};31m" if coloured and diff >= 300 else ""
colourEndStr = "\x1b[0m" if colourStr else ""
colourStr = f'\x1b[{0 if diff < 6 * 3600 else 7};31m' if coloured and diff >= 300 else ''
colourEndStr = '\x1b[0m' if colourStr else ''
if ts == 0:
return 'N/A'
if args.dates:
return (colourStr, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).isoformat(sep = " "), colourEndStr)
return (colourStr, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).isoformat(sep = ' '), colourEndStr)
if diff < -86400:
return (colourStr, f"in {-diff // 86400:.0f}d {(-diff % 86400) // 3600:.0f}h", colourEndStr)
return (colourStr, f'in {-diff // 86400:.0f}d {(-diff % 86400) // 3600:.0f}h', colourEndStr)
elif diff < -60:
return (colourStr, "in " + (f"{-diff // 3600:.0f}h " if diff <= -3600 else "") + f"{(-diff % 3600) // 60:.0f}mn", colourEndStr)
return (colourStr, 'in ' + (f'{-diff // 3600:.0f}h ' if diff <= -3600 else '') + f'{(-diff % 3600) // 60:.0f}mn', colourEndStr)
elif diff < 0:
return "in <1 min"
return 'in <1 min'
elif diff == 0:
return "now"
return 'now'
elif diff < 60:
return "<1 min ago"
return '<1 min ago'
elif diff < 86400:
return (colourStr, (f"{diff // 3600:.0f}h " if diff >= 3600 else "") + f"{(diff % 3600) // 60:.0f}mn ago", colourEndStr)
return (colourStr, (f'{diff // 3600:.0f}h ' if diff >= 3600 else '') + f'{(diff % 3600) // 60:.0f}mn ago', colourEndStr)
return (colourStr, f"{diff // 86400:.0f}d {(diff % 86400) // 3600:.0f}h ago", colourEndStr)
return (colourStr, f'{diff // 86400:.0f}d {(diff % 86400) // 3600:.0f}h ago', colourEndStr)

def render_size(size):
units = ('B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB')
@@ -240,12 +240,12 @@ def render_size(size):

renderers = {}
for column, (_, columnAttr) in columns.items():
if "date" in columnAttr:
if "coloured" in columnAttr:
if 'date' in columnAttr:
if 'coloured' in columnAttr:
renderers[column] = lambda x: render_date(x, coloured = not args.no_colours)
renderers[column] = render_date
elif "size" in columnAttr:
elif 'size' in columnAttr:
renderers[column] = render_size
elif isinstance(jobs[0][column], (int, float)):
renderers[column] = str
@@ -288,9 +288,9 @@ if not args.no_table and not args.no_truncate:

# Print
output = []
output.append(tuple(column.upper() for column in columns if "hidden" not in columns[column][1]))
output.append(tuple(column.upper() for column in columns if 'hidden' not in columns[column][1]))
for job in jobs:
output.append(tuple(job[column] for column in columns if "hidden" not in columns[column][1]))
output.append(tuple(job[column] for column in columns if 'hidden' not in columns[column][1]))

if not args.no_table:
widths = tuple(max(len(field) if isinstance(field, str) else len(field[1]) for field in column) for column in zip(*output))
