The little things give you away... A collection of various small helper stuff
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5 lignes
946 B

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # Generate a list of relevant URLs for an extension (e.g. for feeding it into ArchiveBot)
  3. # Call passing the URL to an extension page, e.g.
  4. url="$1"; echo "${url}"; historyUrl="$(curl -s "${url}" | grep -Po 'href="\K/history/[^"]+' | uniq)"; if [[ $(wc -l <<<"${historyUrl}") -ne 1 ]]; then echo "Not exactly one history URL" >&2; return; fi; echo "${historyUrl}"; curl -s "${historyUrl}" | tr -d '\n' | grep -Po '<ol class="history">.*?</ol>' | grep -Po 'href="\K/crx/[^"]+' | while read -r versionUrl; do versionUrl="${versionUrl}"; echo "${versionUrl}"; curl -s "${versionUrl}" | grep -Po 'href="\K\?[^"]+' | while read -r downloadUrl; do echo "${downloadUrl}"; grep -Po '[?&]l=\K[^&]+' <<< "${downloadUrl}" | perl -pe 's/\%(\w\w)/chr hex $1/ge'; done; done;