A method to grab the comments from YouTube videos * Requires qwarc and realpath from GNU coreutils 8.23+. * Execute as `comments VIDEOID` where `VIDEOID` is the 11-character video ID from YouTube. * You can pass multiple video IDs at once as well: `comments VIDEOID1 VIDEOID2 ...`. They get executed sequentially. * Comments are grabbed in all available sort orders (i.e. "top" and "new", though "top" is retrieved twice since YT returns two continuation tokens for it), including replies and nesting. * The "top" sort order sometimes doesn't return all comments but might be missing some. The reason for this is unclear. * On videos with many comments, the "top" sort order retrieval will fail rapidly due to the continuation token being too long and causing an HTTP 413 Request Entity Too Large error. * Also on videos with many comments, the "new" sort order retrieval will fail a bit less rapidly due to deep recursion. * Everything's written to a few files in the current directory called `youtube-comments-VIDEOID-DATE*`. * After the retrieval finished cleanly and you're satisfied with the results, you can delete the `.db` and `.log` files. The former is essentially useless, and the latter is contained in the `-meta.warc.gz` file.